Front Matter

Title Page, Preface and Acknowledgements
About the Author
Status, History, Issues and Updates
Complementary Textbooks
Teaching Notes and Resources
A Note about Numerical Solutions

Course Units

I. Chemical Reactions
1. Stoichiometry and Reaction Progress
2. Reaction Thermochemistry
3. Reaction Equilibrium
II. Chemical Reaction Kinetics
A. Rate Expressions
4. Reaction Rates and Temperature Effects
5. Empirical and Theoretical Rate Expressions
6. Reaction Mechanisms
7. The Steady State Approximation
8. Rate-Determining Step
9. Homogeneous and Enzymatic Catalysis
10. Heterogeneous Catalysis
B. Kinetics Experiments
11. Laboratory Reactors
12. Performing Kinetics Experiments
C. Analysis of Kinetics Data
13. CSTR Data Analysis
14. Differential Data Analysis
15. Integral Data Analysis
16. Numerical Data Analysis
III. Chemical Reaction Engineering
A. Ideal Reactors
17. Reactor Models and Reaction Types
B. Perfectly Mixed Batch Reactors
18. Reaction Engineering of Batch Reactors
19. Analysis of Batch Reactors
20. Optimization of Batch Reactor Processes
C. Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactors
21. Reaction Engineering of CSTRs
22. Analysis of Steady State CSTRs
23. Analysis of Transient CSTRs
24. Multiple Steady States in CSTRs
D. Plug Flow Reactors
25. Reaction Engineering of PFRs
26. Analysis of Steady State PFRs
27. Analysis of Transient PFRs
E. Matching Reactors to Reactions
28. Choosing a Reactor Type
29. Multiple Reactor Networks
30. Thermal Back-Mixing in a PFR
31. Back-Mixing in a PFR via Recycle
32. Ideal Semi-Batch Reactors
IV. Non-Ideal Reactions and Reactors
A. Alternatives to the Ideal Reactor Models
33. Axial Dispersion Model
34. 2-D and 3-D Tubular Reactor Models
35. Zoned Reactor Models
36. Segregated Flow Models
37. Overview of Multi-Phase Reactors
B. Coupled Chemical and Physical Kinetics
38. Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions
39. Gas-Liquid Reactions
40. Gas-Solid Reactions

Supplemental Units

S1. Identifying Independent Reactions
S2. Solving Non-differential Equations
S3. Fitting Linear Models to Data
S4. Numerically Fitting Models to Data
S5. Solving Initial Value Differential Equations
S6. Solving Boundary Value Differential Equations

Unit 2. Reaction Thermochemistry

This website provides learning and teaching tools for a first course on kinetics and reaction engineering. The course is divided into four parts (I through IV). Here, in Part I of the course, a brief review of some basic concepts related to chemical reactions is presented. Students taking their first kinetics and reaction engineering course should already be familiar with most of the material that is presented in this part of the course. The concepts that are reviewed here will be utilized repeatedly throughout the remainder of the course, and therefore it is critically important to master them before proceeding to the main body of the course, Parts II, III and IV.

Chemical reactions are processes wherein chemical bonds are broken and/or formed. Breaking a chemical bond requires the input of energy and forming a chemical bond releases energy. Unit 2 shows how thermodynamics data can be used to calculate the energy changes associated with chemical reactions and how those energy changes vary with temperature. It also shows how the resulting heat of a reaction can be used to calculate the temperature change that occurs when reactions take place adiabatically (that is, without the input or removal of any energy). The information presented in this unit is essential in chemical reaction equilibrium analysis and in reaction engineering.

Learning Resources

Teaching Resources

  • Archive (.zip) - Contains all teaching resources listed below for this unit, except for the simulators
  • Sample Class
  • Alternative Questions (.pdf) that could be used in a pre-class quiz
  • Simulator Source files  
    Please note that these simulators are intended for educational purposes only. They should not be used for any other purpose, and if they are, the author does not bear any responsibility or liability for the consequences.
    The “Netbeans Project folders” contain the Netbeans java project used to create them. Providing them in this way will allow instructors or students familiar with java and the Netbeans development environment to modify them. They were developed using version 6.7 of Netbeans. They use the Swing Application Framework, which is not supported in version 7.1 or higher of the Netbeans IDE. They are no longer in development, and I am not available to consult on any issues encountered when using them.

Practice Problems

1. The water-gas shift reaction, equation (1a), is used in a process for the removal of CO from hydrogen. Hydrogen is commonly manufactured by reacting steam with a hydrocarbon such as methane, and as a result, the product gas typically contains both CO and CO2. CO2 can be removed with relative ease by scrubbing the gas with an amine solution. Thus, before scrubbing, the water-gas shift reaction is used to convert as much of the CO as possible into CO2. Generate an expression for the standard heat of the water-gas shift reaction as a function of the temperature. (You can find the necessary thermodynamic data in "The Properties of Gases and Liquids," 3rd ed. by Reid, Prausnitz and Sherwood. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977, among other sources.)

  CO + H2O → CO2 + H2 (1a)  

(Problem Statement as .pdf file)

2. Suppose that the feed to an adiabatic water-gas shift reactor consists of 40% steam, 10% CO, 5% CO2, 35% H2 and 10% N2 at a temperature of 340 °C and a pressure of 25 atm. (See Practice Problem 1, above, for information about the water-gas shift reaction.) Generate an expression for the outlet temperature as a function of the fractional conversion of CO. (You can find the necessary thermodynamic data in "The Properties of Gases and Liquids," 3rd ed. by Reid, Prausnitz and Sherwood. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977, among other sources.) (Problem Statement as .pdf file)

3. The oxidation of ethanol to produce acetic acid is given in equation (3a). Standard heats of formation (gas phase) at 298K and average gas phase heat capacities for temperatures between 298 and 400 K for ethanol, acetic acid, oxygen and water vapor are given in the table below. Use those data to generate an expression for the standard heat of reaction (3a) as a function of temperature and calculate the standard heat of reaction at 300, 350 and 400 K. Comment upon the result.

  C2H6O + O2 → C2H4O2 + H2O (3a)  
  ΔHf(298 K) Cp
Species (kJ/mol) (J/mol/K)
---------- ---------- ----------
C2H6O -234 73.4
C2H4O2 -443 71.7
H2O -242 33.9
O2 0 29.7

(Problem Statement as .pdf file)

4. Sodium chlorate is a solid at room temperature and melts at 533 K. Campbell and van der Kouwe (Can. J. Chem. 46, 1287-91 (1968).) report that the heat capacity, in cal mol-1 K-1, of the solid varies with temperature according to equation (4a), where T is in K, and that the heat capacity of the liquid is constant and equal to 32 cal mol-1 K-1 up to ca. 575 K. They report the heat of fusion to be 5076 cal mol-1, and Wikipedia lists its standard heat of formation to be -365.4 kJ mol-1. In the presence of a catalyst, liquid phase sodium chlorate will decompose, producing solid sodium chloride and gaseous oxygen, reaction (4b). Generate an expression for the heat of reaction (4b) as a function of temperature in the range from 535 to 575 K. The heat of formation of NaCl may be taken to equal -411.1 kJ mol-1 and its heat capacity to be constant and equal to 36.79 J mol-1 K-1. The heat capacity of oxygen, in J mol-1 K-1, can be calculated using equation (4c) where T is in K. (Problem Statement as .pdf file)

  Ĉp,NaClO3(s) = 0.044T + 10.92 (4a)
  2 NaClO3 → 2 NaCl + 3O2 (4b)  
  Ĉp,O2 = 25.46 + 0.01519T - 7.15x10-6T2 + 1.311x10-9T3 (4c)