Front Matter

Title Page, Preface and Acknowledgements
About the Author
Status, History, Issues and Updates
Complementary Textbooks
Teaching Notes and Resources
A Note about Numerical Solutions

Course Units

I. Chemical Reactions
1. Stoichiometry and Reaction Progress
2. Reaction Thermochemistry
3. Reaction Equilibrium
II. Chemical Reaction Kinetics
A. Rate Expressions
4. Reaction Rates and Temperature Effects
5. Empirical and Theoretical Rate Expressions
6. Reaction Mechanisms
7. The Steady State Approximation
8. Rate-Determining Step
9. Homogeneous and Enzymatic Catalysis
10. Heterogeneous Catalysis
B. Kinetics Experiments
11. Laboratory Reactors
12. Performing Kinetics Experiments
C. Analysis of Kinetics Data
13. CSTR Data Analysis
14. Differential Data Analysis
15. Integral Data Analysis
16. Numerical Data Analysis
III. Chemical Reaction Engineering
A. Ideal Reactors
17. Reactor Models and Reaction Types
B. Perfectly Mixed Batch Reactors
18. Reaction Engineering of Batch Reactors
19. Analysis of Batch Reactors
20. Optimization of Batch Reactor Processes
C. Continuous Flow Stirred Tank Reactors
21. Reaction Engineering of CSTRs
22. Analysis of Steady State CSTRs
23. Analysis of Transient CSTRs
24. Multiple Steady States in CSTRs
D. Plug Flow Reactors
25. Reaction Engineering of PFRs
26. Analysis of Steady State PFRs
27. Analysis of Transient PFRs
E. Matching Reactors to Reactions
28. Choosing a Reactor Type
29. Multiple Reactor Networks
30. Thermal Back-Mixing in a PFR
31. Back-Mixing in a PFR via Recycle
32. Ideal Semi-Batch Reactors
IV. Non-Ideal Reactions and Reactors
A. Alternatives to the Ideal Reactor Models
33. Axial Dispersion Model
34. 2-D and 3-D Tubular Reactor Models
35. Zoned Reactor Models
36. Segregated Flow Models
37. Overview of Multi-Phase Reactors
B. Coupled Chemical and Physical Kinetics
38. Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions
39. Gas-Liquid Reactions
40. Gas-Solid Reactions

Supplemental Units

S1. Identifying Independent Reactions
S2. Solving Non-differential Equations
S3. Fitting Linear Models to Data
S4. Numerically Fitting Models to Data
S5. Solving Initial Value Differential Equations
S6. Solving Boundary Value Differential Equations

Unit 14. Differential Data Analysis

This website provides learning and teaching tools for a first course on kinetics and reaction engineering. The course is divided into four parts (I through IV). Here, in Part II of the course, the focus is on chemical reaction kinetics, and more specifically, on rate expressions, which are mathematical models of reaction rates. As you progress through Part II, you will learn how rate expressions are generated from experimental kinetics data.

Part II of the course concludes with Section C which describes how to test a rate expression (Section A) using experimental data (Section B). The testing of a rate expression entails its substitution into the model for the experimental reactor and the subsequent fitting of that model to the experimental data. The end result will reveal whether the selected rate expression offers a sufficiently accurate representation of the rate of the reaction under consideration. If it does, the fitting process also will yield the best values for the parameters that appear in the selected rate expression.

When only one reaction takes place in either an isothermal batch reactor or an isothermal, steady state PFR, the model for each experiment takes the form of a differential equation. Unit 14 describes an approach to fitting this model equation to experimental data wherein the derivative is treated like an experimentally measured variable. When this is done, the fitting process becomes the same as that described for a CSTR in Unit 13. This approach is known as differential data analysis, and the situations where it can be used are restricted. Unit 14 describes these restrictions.

Learning Resources

Teaching Resources

Practice Problems

1*. The data in the table below represent the conversion versus time behavior for reaction (1a) taking place in a 5 L batch reactor with an initial composition that was 1 M in A, 1.5 M in B and contained no Y or Z. Actually, the data in the table were calculated using an ideal batch reactor model with the rate expression given in equation (1b) and with k1f = 0.0947 L mol-1 min-1 and k1r = 0.0369 L mol-1 min-1. As such, these data do not contain any experimental noise. Perform a differential data analysis to find the values and uncertainties of the two rate coefficients using forward differences. Then repeat the analysis only using backward differences. Comment upon any differences among the actual rate coefficient values and the values obtained using the two different analysis methods.

  A + B ↔ Y + Z (1a)  
  r1 = k1fCACB - k1rCYCZ (1b)  
  Time (min) CA (M)  
  0.0 1.0  
  0.5 0.9330  
  1.0 0.8732  
  1.5 0.8197  
  2.0 0.7717  
  2.5 0.7284  
  3.0 0.6894  
  3.5 0.6542  
  4.0 0.6222  
  4.5 0.5932  
  5.0 0.5668  
  5.5 0.5427  
  6.0 0.5208  
  6.5 0.5008  
  7.0 0.4825  
  7.5 0.4657  
  8.0 0.4503  
  8.5 0.4362  
  9.0 0.4233  
  9.5 0.4114  
  10.0 0.4005  

(Problem Statement as .pdf file)

2. Suppose three preliminary experiments involving the aqueous reaction of acetic acid (A) with excess butanol (B) to form butyl acetate (Z) and water (W), reaction (2a) were performed using an agitated 500 mL round-bottomed flask as the reactor. All three experiments were performed at the same temperature; they differed in the initial concentrations of A and B. In each experiment the concentration of acetic acid was measured at increasing reaction times. The data are shown in this Excel© file. Using a differential data analysis, determine whether the second order rate expression in equation (2b) is acceptably accurate. If it is, determine the best value of the rate coefficient, including 95% confidence limits.

  CH3(CH2)2CH2OH + CH3COOH → CH3COO(CH2)3CH3 + H2O (2a)  
  r2a = k2a(CA)2 (2b)  

(Problem Statement as .pdf file)

* This problem introduces something new that wasn't encountered in the informational or illustrational readings and videos.